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Calvitimela uniseptata G. Thor
Family: LecanoraceaeGenus: Calvitimela
Mycobank MB 517749
Thallus of erect, wart-like to coralloid squamules, grey to greenish grey, not pruinose; prothallus diffuse to clearly visible, whitish; medulla whitish to greyish, with calcium oxalate crystals, C–, K–, PD–, UV–, I–, K/I–; hyphae 2–4 µm wide; soralia not seen. Photobiont chlorococcoid, cells 5–12 µm in diameter. Apothecia frequent, clearly constricted at base, up to 1.1 mm in diameter; margin thin to thick, often partly lacking, of the same colour as the thallus; disc flat to convex, black to brown to colourless with pink tinge (in deep shade), not pruinose; hypothecium colourless; hymenium colourless, without oil-drops, 40–70 µm tall, I+ blue, K/I+ blue, K–; epithecium colourless to dark olive-green, N+ reddish violet; paraphyses sparsely branched, thin-walled, without distinct gallertic sheaths, 2 µm wide; paraphyse apices colourless to dark olive-green, 3–5 µm wide. Asci of the Lecanora-type, 50–55 × 15–20 µm. Ascospores 8/ascus, colourless, slightly curved to ellipsoid, without perispore, 1-septate or rarely simple, (9–)10–13(–16) × (4–)4–5(–5) µm (Length: X = 11.7 µm, SD = 1.4 µm, n = 120; Width: X = 4.8 µm, SD = 0.5 µm, n = 120). Pycnidia few, immersed; wall colourless; conidia thread-like, curved (14–)17–21(–22) × (1–)1(–1) µm (Length: X = 18.6 µm, SD = 2.0 µm, n = 120; Width: X = 1.0 µm, SD = 0.0 µm, n = 120). Secondary chemistry (TLC): no substances.